Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Battle of Camp Nou Castle With Jiran Castle

     Once upon a time in a great castle,a king's daughter grew up happy and contented.She was very pretty,with blue eyes and long black hair.Her skin was delicate and fair and so she was called Cecilia.Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful.
     Cecilia's father is a king of Camp Nou Castle.The Castle is very big and beautiful.King of Camp Nou Castle is King Alfred Riedl.
     Jiran Castle almost resamble with Camp Nou Castle.Camp Nou Castle more rich than Jiran Castle.King of Jiran Castle is Krishnasamy Rajagobal.
     One day Jiran Castle want to battle with Camp Nou Castle.When the battle is start,King Alfred Riedl says,"Who's person killed Rajagobal,I will marry who's person killed Rajagobal with Princess Cecilia."
Finally the winner of the battle is Camp Nou Castle and the killed of King Rajagobal is Charles William.Princess Cecilia married with Charles William.Their was very happy

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